Bello Doors are fire door specialists. As a manufacturer with a focus on “safety first” they ensure peace of mind for their customers. They provide businesses and councils with complete, made-to-measure fire doors as a means to secure fire safety on their premises.
System management and data recording are imperative to our business to ensure accuracy, efficiency and compliance. I’ve been in the fire safety industry for several years and can see clearly how it’s changed. The recording and evidence of data is the most important thing.
We continue to invest in our business, particularly in terms of systems and machinery, in order to reduce human error. We’re trying to make everything as simple as we can for our teams in the workshop and ourselves as the business owners.
As a manufacturer with third party accreditation, we have to keep a close eye on what leaves the workshop to ensure it’s not only compliant to regulations but also meets the client’s requirements. Using BORIS asset management, we can scan the NFC pin in the door and reference the door itself against the required specification for final sign off before despatch.
Reducing error is key in the manufacturing industry. Not just for us as a business, but for the inconvenience caused if the client receives a product that is incorrect as it can affect programme dates. We supply fire doors to the commercial and residential sectors therefore each doorset can differ in numerous ways.
It’s imperative that a door is checked at every stage of manufacture and using BORIS enables us to do this. Each door has its own digital ID that can be tracked through the manufacturing process. We’ve saved so much time having our door schedules uploaded to the system instead of using paperwork. The full product specification – including finish, glazing, components and hardware for example – is instantly available so that our operatives have access to that specification during manufacture. And the door can be quality checked against the spec on completion of each process.
Discussing how to use BORIS for fire door asset management
Using the app takes away the risk of lost or misplaced paperwork. Moreover, every operative has the opportunity to pick up on mistakes that the previous operative may have made. This prevents these mistakes getting to the client.
And this availability of data benefits those we work with too. We can upload product datasheets, installation guides and global assessments to ensure this information is available at the point of installation. All by simply scanning the pin.
This record also acts as evidence should any future claims be made against our products. In some instances, amendments can be made to products after installation that render them non-compliant. If these are raised against us we now have documented manufacture records and accompanying photographs to demonstrate to the client the condition and specification to which the door left us.
From a commercial perspective obviously fire safety and the Golden Thread that is being introduced are top priorities regarding this system. This is not just for fire door manufacturers and installers but throughout the industry. I spoke to a number suppliers of data management systems and have also used many other apps. BORIS is the first I’ve spoken to in the fire door sector that is making it as easy as possible to start from the point of manufacture.
BORIS is a driving force in quality, end product and compliance. That is why we have taken the step to get on board with digital doorsets by purchasing your software to do this. We want to show true transparency to everybody who purchases our doorsets and we are happy to offer a digital doorset as standard at no extra cost to really drive a reform in standards. The easiest way to do that is by being at the forefront of technology by working together with companies like BORIS.
We also chose to use the BORIS asset management system and NFC pins, instead of using stickers, as stickers on the front of doors are too easily lost and damaged. Turning the door digital with the NFC pin incorporated within the door that can be scanned is fantastic and gives true transparency for the lifetime of the doorset.
The benefit to the client is obviously peace of mind. They are getting a product that fits into the governments new scheme of the Golden Thread. It is compliant from purchase and throughout its lifespan; from manufacture, installation and through to remediation. For the small extra cost you incur per doorset I don’t think that can be overlooked.
Watch the full asset management demonstration and case study here: