1. Subscription period: In line with your agreement we will collect future payments on or around the 15th of every month. Your fees will be variable, subject to the number of user licenses that you have active in the billing period. You can terminate by giving 30 days written notice to accounts@boris-software.com
2. Termination by BORIS: BORIS may choose to terminate your subscription at any time by providing you with one month’s written notice in advance. BORIS may also terminate or suspend your subscription or access to all or any data immediately if:
3. No refunds: No refund is due to you if you terminate your subscription or BORIS terminates it in accordance with these terms.
4. Retention of your data: Once a subscription is terminated by you or us, it is archived and the data submitted or created by you is no longer available to you. We retain it for a period of time consistent with our data retention policy, during which, as a subscriber, you can reactivate your subscription and once again access your data by paying the subscription fees. Find out more about reactivating your BORIS subscription on our website or call to speak to an account manager. We retain data in case you need it as part of your record retention obligations for an undetermined time period and reserve the righty to delete the data at any point post termination, but you can get in touch with us to have your data removed completely if you wish.